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About Lily Art

Who we are - About

About the Lily Art Factory under the management of Baruch Sorrow has launched a new and up-to-date product website from our range of products. The Lily Art Israel company manufactures and designs a series of Judaica products that include: Shabbat candlesticks, domes, Kiddush cups and more... characterized by their colors. The use of different and varied techniques on glass and different materials brings an innovative and original line to the traditional Judaica products. Recently, we have renewed with a variety of textile products embroidered in our exclusive designs as a complementary line to our Judaica series, which makes it possible to create a collection with design integrity. All products are handmade in Israel at our factory located at the Keno Junction. We are sure that this catalog will become an auxiliary tool that will allow us to give you a loyal service and with its help maintain an effective marketing relationship for you.

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